
Friday, April 30, 2010

The Joy of Doing

I have been working on this little baby blanket that I hope to finish this weekend. I even think it might be my first product launch, will see. The project started the same way most of mine projects get started. I got an idea, got all exited about it - and then got completely stuck because I thought I did not have the right tools for it. Irritation, frustration, endless surfing on internet looking for places where I could by the stuff I thought I needed. Very irritated by the fact that I would not  be able to start right away due to the lack of tools.  
Luckily for me this time I was able to take a deep breath and turn the thing around. Instead of thinking what I don't have I decided to focus on what I do have and let that be the starting point for my design. I knew I could not cut complicated shapes since I did not (and still don't) have utility knife, so I made a simple designs. I did not have contact paper but manage to find something similar that is more expensive but worked. I could get started and enjoy the doing. Now I did finally reached the point where I just have to wait for tomorrow to get the stuff  I need to be able to go on. But I did enjoy several hours of doing instead of giving the whole thing up or waiting until everything would be perfect and I would have all the right tools. 


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