
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sweet Alabama

My craft library has tripled it's size during the last months. The excitement of browsing on Amazon and waiting for the books to come from United States is getting a bit addictive. Couple weeks ago the post brought me book called Alabama Studio Style by Natalie Chanin. I doubted for a long time if I should buy this one or the first book of the same author instead. I finally decided to buy this one since it has recipes as well and I thought if I don't like the projects at least I have a new cook book. I love it. Before I knew it I was hand sewing a basic tank dress for myself. And it is already done! The sewing part that is. I still need to color the fabric which of course in the book was the first step to do but since i didn't have the tools for coloring in hand I skipped it  and started sewing.

Why is this book so great? To be honest, I don't know! I read all the reviews on Amazon and I kept thinking that they are all so enthusiast about it but I don't really see why? What is it that makes it so special? I still don't know what it is but I love it.  As I said I have been purchasing quite a few books lately and most of them I have just skimmed through. With Alabama Studio Style I was cutting fabric the next day and week later bought more fabric to start on another projects from the book. 

I love it that it is all hand sewing. That is one of the few thing that you can actually do when looking after small children. Or when your watching TV. I hope I can get to the coloring soon so that I can post some picture of the finished dress, but since that is not one of the things you can easily do when caring for a 1-year-old it can take awhile. In the mean time please enjoy other peoples creations

1 comment:

  1. I just got this book from the library, and it is soooo pretty. Maybe a little "country" for me, but I'm diggin it all the same.
